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    Suicide in Estonia

    International Embassies and Consulates in Estonia Suicide Mortality Rate Content for Estonia is not available at this time.
    The age adjusted Death Rate is 14.37 per 100,000 of population ranks Estonia #29 in

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    According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Suicide Deaths in Estonia reached 234 or 1.70% of total deaths

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    With 16 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants, Estonia registered the 7th highest rate of suicide among EU member states in 2015, according to data published by Eurostat on Monday.
    Suicide, listed as the underlying cause of death, accounts for nearly 248 deaths in Estonia.

    ESTONIA - Suicide Survivor Services

    Suicide in Estonia, Suicide statistics, According to the latest WHO data published in 2017 Värnik -
    This article reviews the suicide rates in some of the former USSR republics and does a historical review of suicide in the USSR from the Kruschev era to the present.

    (PDF) Suicide in Estonia | A

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    Suicide Rate By Country 2021

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    Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute (ERSI) Approximately 200 people die every year as a result of suicide in Estonia, who are left to be missed by several additional sufferers.

    Estonia Suicide Rate 2000-2021 | MacroTrends

    The case of a terminally ill woman suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease who wants to end her life in Switzerland by means of assisted suicide has sparked a debate in Estonia.

    Eesti-Rootsi Vaimse Tervise ja Suitsidoloogia Instituut

    Suicide in Estonia and Other Former USSR Republics.

    Number of suicides increases in Estonia |

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    Gun law, gun control statistics, number of guns in Estonia, gun deaths, firearm facts and policy ChartThe estimated rate of private gun ownership (both licit and illicit) per 100 people in Estonia is.

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    Estonia's suicide rate 7th highest in EU | News | ERR

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    Connected to: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    Estonia Suicides - data, chart |

    Category:Suicides in Estonia The average value for Estonia during that period was 21.31 suicides per 100,000

    South Korea and Estonias' Suicide Rates: Is it Capitalism? | Medium

    Estonia: Suicide mortality rate, per 100,000 population: For that indicator, we provide data for Estonia from 2000 to 2019 Browse links below to find screened suicide prevention resources, guides and information.

    See the total deaths and age adjusted death rate for Suicide Estonia.

    Find suicide survivor support services in Estonia International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

    Suicide in Estonia | Causes of death by country

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    Estonian society has suffered a record number of child suicides in the year 2020, which was «Suicide is a process It is rarely possible to point out one and certain cause, it is often a combination
    During the Great Depression

    Eesti-Rootsi Vaimse Tervise ja Suitsidoloogia Instituut | Facebook

    During the period of Estonian independence (1922-1935 under consideration), the suicide rate was 16.7 per 100,000 inhabitants at the beginning of the period

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